Monday, December 17, 2007

I in love ... with WEALTH!

My mom used to tell me that when you love money, it can be the root of all good or all evil. That all truth are half truths and the glass can be half empty or half full. So she said I had to see things one way as well as the opposite. Same applies for money. When you love money, that love is the root that can grow into that which is good or evil. So do you get what I mean? I'll always remember what she said by hard.

And when I grew up, I adopted a negative way of mind. I used to be rather succesful in what I did when I was younger but due to sheer ignorance, wealth came and went in a circle. I guess the attitude that time was too negative and I regarded it as evil. Until Marie Callas came along, she made me realise the importance of having right concept.

To be one with something is to love it, accept it, embrace it and be completely comfortable with it. Money being a form of energy that facilitates enjoyment and providence is a form of wealth. Therefore to be wealthy is to be one with money and to love it, accept it, embrace it and be completely comfortable with it. Money moves to the one who loves it the most!