Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Good Day

Have you ever wondered why sometimes everything in your life just flows beautifully, and sometimes, no matter what you do, nothing seems to fall into place?

So if your life at the moment is flowing beautifully, be SO grateful for every moment of it. If, however, you're having some challenges and frustrations, just remember that one day you will be looking back at this time thinking "if I only knew what wonderful surprises were waiting for me, just around the corner, I would have relaxed a little more, and enjoyed the journey".

Have peace and love..

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Know what you want

Folks, one of the most important things to take care of is to be aware of what exactly you want to achieve. When you know what your dreams are, then you can focus your efforts so as to achieve them.

If your intellect desires one thing, and your heart another, then that quite simply produces internal conflict. In such a case there could be two contradictory intentions which are shaping the actions of a person. This produces procrastination, indecision, and ineffective action.

So got to establish the answer to what you really want, then you come up with goals which are in harmony with all your levels of being. And when you do that, you are ready to display a focussed intention. This allows for decisive, effective action, and thus for the most efficient attainment of your goal.