Thursday, July 12, 2007

5 Spiritual Blockages

Five states of life that you may like to improve on.

Spiritual laziness - when you feel like meditating or doing some spiritual practices, you will give yourself excuses to do it later, like maybe i shall take a short nap first, watch this TV program first, or any other excuses you may think so to "justify" your decision.]

Judgment - I begin to conclude that I don't like this person, that friend, my teacher, my colleagues and even myself! And I get easily affected by things or actions made by this list of people.

Doubt - You have growing self doubt about yourself and ability. You feel you are stupid and less clever compared to other people and you don't think you can win over this inner doubting monster of yours. You feel your life is a big waste of time and you are not making grades in life.

Craving - Well, it's simple, you find yourself more and more drawn to things that are more "exciting" or "interesting" than the tasks in your to-do list.

Restlessness - Your mind races and you cannot concentrate. You start remembering things you need to do. You have bills to pay, errands to run, calls to return and you have no time for anything else right now.