Monday, March 26, 2007

Soar throat

You guess it, I've got a soar throat and that really irks! Now I can barely use my voice and I have problem eating food too. Opening my fridge, I can see I have some strepsil sweet left that can help me. I try to drink as much fluid as I can and I was supposed to meet a mate later in the afternoon for a coffee so how am I going to talk to him now?

Flinch is barking non stop outside the door and I wondering what's going on! I'm going to take a look at him to check out what's going on because it's giving me mild mental disturbance.................

There is a police car with 3 police guys somewhere down this street and I'm not sure what's happening, it must be some family affair stuff which is common in this area. I think I'm going to take a rest again, this useless old man!