Monday, July 16, 2007

Visualising for Love

One of the most powerful emotions we have is the power of love. Love can give us joy and happiness. It invigorates and motivates us to work for the person we care and love. When you feel loved, your body will release positive chemicals and attract more good things into your life.

That is what's happening to me with Ruth, the woman I love at this moment. We are ever so closed and we have grown to be inseparable and loving, even though we are already in the 50s. She's a blessing from Marie Callas and God. Everything we are really happy and forthright to each other as we learn from the mistakes of our previous marriages.

It's really amazing. You will receive what you thought of, if you are hungry enough. I yearned for a woman and I met one. If you are single and looking for love, just follow me by visualising your thought, in as much detail as you can. How that person looks like, how would you call that person? Imagine just as if you already have that person. Write down in a piece of paper that person's traits, as much as possible.

It works, believe me, because thoughts are universal energy. Just have faith, and some day, you will really meet that person in your paper.