Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Time passes so fast

Can't imagine we are already in 2008! It's really too fast for me. How about you? As much as I do not want to admit, getting on age is really not a good feeling. It's kind of a suffering as what Buddhism preaches. However, i just got to focus on the positive aspects of life and try not to think too much about the negatives around it. Life is cool i think as I feel contented. Oh yea, I'm been neglecting this blog and I deserved a slap on the face :P

Another thing is I have been receiving a lot of Marie Callas letters. I like seeing her letters not that I'm against it. I'm sensible enough to know what is for me and what is not. Marie Callas has brought me luck in my life but i'm not totally and bindly saying she could be for you. Some defintely does not like such characters or such person. No matter how, there are still a group of people who like to hear from her and other clairvoyants or psychics who exist in this world for a mission to help people.

In the new year, I always felt like I have plans for the new year and this month or even this week. But usually I find myself end up doing nothing special. Just wondering are you experiencing the same as me? Am I wasting my time or simply being lazy? I like to do and see things completed but i'm not a person who follows fixed plans. I do things impromptu and I make sure things are carried out as perfectly as possible. Just that i dislike plans sometimes.