Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Marie Callas - Release your thoughts

Trying to suppress or control your thoughts or feelings can cause more problems than the feelings themselves. Its better to let them pass through you. Surrender to what is, is the only way of gaining control.

Accepting your feelings is the first step in the right direction. Like, a lot of people will say "I'm not upset" when they're visibly upset. Recognize that you are upset, or depressed, or frustrated. Point it out internally, "I am depressed" or "I'm not feeling that great".

When you try to battle with your thoughts or feelings your resistance perpetuates the suffering. It is important to learn how to take positive action with unwanted feelings within you too.

Next time you feel anxious you might want to try simply observing the feeling itself and letting the associated thoughts simply pass and float away without getting involved in them. Then take action in a valued direction. Chances are the anxiety will become so much less of a hindrance when you realise that you can still take action and do what you want/need to do with it there.