Google Instant: Quick, Quick, Quick%26ndash;But Not psychic - PC World
Globe and MailGoogle Instant: Quick, Quick, Quick%26ndash;But Not psychicPC WorldLater in the speech, he also spoke of Google understanding what users want before they've even asked for it, in almost psychic-like fashion: "We can ...Meet %26ldquo;Google Instant%26rdquo;: Your Search Engine Is Now %26ldquo;psychic%26rdquo;New York MagazineGoogle's 'psychic' search tool: 'Revolutionary' or a 'disaster'?The Week MagazineThe 'psychic Element' And Deconstructing Google InstantMediaPost PublicationsArs Technica�-Right Pundits�-Fast Companyall 1,776 news articles��
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